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Touring the Port facilities with the Governor

A group of people by a wooden sailboat at a dock, with a "Port of Toledo, Oregon" logo overlay.

We were honored to have Governor Kate Brown for a visit of the Port's Facilities last Friday, August 11, 2017. We were able to introduce the Governor to Duncan Berry, a co-founder of Fishpeople Seafood, who gave a tour of their processing plant and discussed sustainable fisheries. Fishpeople is a 2017 winner of Seafood Excellence Best New Retail Product. The next stop on the tour was at Waterfront Park to view the improvements of the park and Depot Slough Path. Both projects were built through funding from the Oregon Department of Recreation, State Parks Local Government Grant Program. From there we took the Governor down to the docks to meet families participating in the free boating day at the Toledo Community Boathouses. We were also able to show off our fleet of historic,Teak Lady sailboats, that are ready for this weekend's Wooden Boat Show. The final stop on the tour was at our Boatyard. Where the Governor was shown a vessel that is in the process of being sponsoned (made wider). She also watched port crew complete a vessel haul-out and then she had the opportunity to drive the Port's 660 ton vessel lift.

This was a very exciting opportunity for us and we hope she comes back to visit us again!

Three people posing with a certificate or award outdoors.
Meeting the Wooden Boat Show guests of honor Tom and JoAn McAdams

It was a pleasure to introduce Tom McAdams and his wife Jo An to the Governor. This year's Wooden Boat Show is honoring retired Coast Guard Master Chief, Thomas McAdams. In his 27 year career, Chief McAdams was highly decorated and considered a legend in the Coast Guard's small boat community as well as among the fishermen of the Pacific Northwest. In honor of Chief McAdams, the Yaquina Bay Coast Guard will be attending the show with their steel hulled 52-foot motor lifeboat, Victory.