Toledo Community Boathouse

Port Of Toledo Community Boathouses
Port of Toledo Marina
367 SE Butler Bridge Rd, Toledo, OR, 97391
Free Family Boating, Thursday & Sunday Afternoons (see below)
The Toledo Community Boathouse program provides classroom and workshop space for youth and community members to learn and get hands-on experience with boatbuilding, maintenance, sailing and seamanship. The program consists of two boathouses moored at the Port’s Marina, and is supported through generous community volunteers and grant funding.
Both boathouses were constructed by the Port of Toledo. The first boathouse was built in 2010 by Port staff with funding from the Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution Fund and the Lincoln County Economic Development Alliance. The second boathouse was completed in 2017. It was built with funding for new materials from the Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution Fund, and used repurposed materials as much as possible. The boathouse was built on surplus floats that had been donated to the Port, lumber milled from trees logged for the boatyard expansion project, metal roofing reclaimed from the Old Fire Station, and by volunteers from the Old Retired Guys Sailing Club.
We would like to thank the following programs for supporting the Toledo Community Boathouse by providing grant funds for operational expenses:
- Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund
- Ford Family Foundation
- Northwest Area Foundation
- Meyer Memorial Trust
- Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution Fund - Grant for kayaks, paddles, and equipment for instructional space
- Pacific Coast Congress, Barbara Schwantes Memorial Fund - Grant for youth training kayaks