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Toledo Wooden Boat Show 2020 has been canceled

A red flag announcing the cancellation of the "2020 Wooden Boat Show," with boats and docks in the background.

The Port of Toledo hopes you and your family have remained safe and healthy through this first part of 2020. It has been an unpredictable three months, with more unknowns ahead. The Governor’s Plan for Rebuilding a Safe and Strong Oregon calls for cancellation of all festivals through September 2020, which includes our Wooden Boat Show. Although disappointing, the most important concern is for the health of our community as well as for the exhibitors, vendors, sponsors and volunteers that make our show so special each year.

In August, we will host a virtual Wooden Boat Show on Facebook, please follow our Port of Toledo Wooden Boat Show page. We will encourage exhibitors to share photos and videos of their beautiful wood boats, we will post photos and videos from previous year’s shows and of course, there will be Wooden Boat Show T-shirts (from previous years).

We will miss seeing you this year and want to thank you for supporting our Community Event. We look forward to seeing you again next year, August 21 & 22, 2021 for our next Wooden Boat Show and Waterfront Festival.

Please, feel free to contact the Port Office at or call 541-336-5207 if you have any questions or comments about our festival.


Port of Toledo Wooden Boat Show
Planning Committee