Ribbon-Cutting at new welding lab!
The public is invited to the ribbon-cutting for the new welding lab in Toledo. The event will be January 29th at 2:00 pm at the Port's Industrial Park, 625 NW Bay Road, Toledo, Oregon. (Accross Bay Road from the Shipyard) Oregon Coast Community College welding classes will begin on February 5.
The Port's 2018 Strategic Business Plan identified the need for the Port to develop vocational training programs in order to increase the skilled workforce that is needed at its shipyard. In 2019 a partnership with Lincoln County School District provided High School students intern opportunities at the Shipyard.
The MARAD grant of $261,285 establishes a Vocational Welding Lab at the Port's Industrial Park. Grant funds will be used to purchase welding equipment and make building improvements for a training lab for 12 students at the Port's Industrial Park. The Port is responsible for matching funds of $87,096 and to build the lab. Oregon Coast Community College will administer the training program and provide the curriculum and instructors.
Additionally, Lincoln County School District has remodeled the Welding Lab at Taft 7-12 and through its partnership with Oregon Coast Community College and Northwest Oregon Works will provide opportunities for high school and adult learners to take afternoon/evening courses that prepare students for employment in the industrial and maritime sectors. The Port is pleased to be able to participate in this project by assisting with fabrication and assembly of equipment for the lab. The new lab at Taft will have its grand opening on January 31, with classes beginning on February 4.
The Port of Toledo thanks our US Senators Wyden and Merkley and Congressman Schrader as well as our State legislators, Representative Gomberg and Senator Roblan for their support of this project.
The welding program has been highlighted in the Daily Journal of Commerce and Fisherman's News.
Link to: OCCC welding-launches-feb-2020